Tennessee's State Fire Marshal's Office

is committed to protecting the safety of Tennesseans and their property through fire prevention, education, codes enforcement, regulation, investigation and law enforcement.

Welcome to FDTN!

What is FDTN? It simply stands for Fire Departments of Tennessee and was created as a resource to ensure individuals, communities, the fire service, and elected officials have all of the tools to make the best decisions to reduce life and property loss by fire.

If you are a fire chief or elected official and need access please send us an email.

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Statewide Statistics Dashboard

2023 Fire Department Statistics

 People per Square Mile1167.6
 Population Rank Among Other States221
 Sq. Mi. Rank Among Other States134
Total Assessed Property Value: $267,605,344,696
Source: Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury, Division of Propery Assessments
Numbers are dependent on county participation in the State CAMA system

Total Property Loss (2020): 257 Million; Structure Fire Loss (2020): 228 Million

Source: Tennessee Fire Incident Reporting System

NFIRS allows fire departments to report fires and other incidents to which they respond and to maintain records of these incidents in a uniform manner. The chart to the right breaks down the incidents by type over the last five years.

Unless otherwise specified, the data provided includes incidents where aid was given.

Structure fires by year. Click a red bar for a particular year and it will show a pie chart below with a breakdown of specific types of fires for that year.
2016-2020 Tennessee averages 93 fire deaths per year
Source: Tennessee Fire Fatality Database
2016-2020 Tennessee averages 196 fire-related injuries per year
Source: Tennessee Fire Incident Reporting System

Source: TN State Fire Marshal's Office and US Census Bureau

Fire Mortality Rank in U.S. (2011-2015)

NFPA Report