The viewer now represents both National Register and Architectural Survey. Address and Area searches are geographic and reflect both layers. The text results are for the Survey only. Note that all National Register listings have at least a point but only a portion at this time will also have boundaries delineated.
Map Navigation:
- Zoom: You can zoom the map in and out using your middle mouse wheel, by using the zoom slider on the left side of the map, or by using the zoom tools on the navigation toolbar to the right. Click the zoom in tool and drag a box on the map to zoom in. Click the globe button to zoom out to the full state level. Use the zoom previous and zoom next buttons to navigate between map extents.
- Pan: You can move the map in any direction by clicking and holding the left mouse button, dragging the map, and releasing the mouse button.
Address Search:
- Enter all or a portion of an address to search for. The more information you provide, the more accurate it will be. The map will zoom to the address and the matching address will be displayed in red under the address search button.
Area Search:
- Point: Choose the units for the buffer and then enter a distance in the text box. Click on the map to add a point. The query will happen automatically and display. If 0 is entered in the buffer distance field, the buffer will default to 0.1.
- Line: Choose the units for the buffer and then enter a distance in the text box. Click the Line button and begin drawing on the map. Each click of the mouse adds a vertex to the line. When the line is the desired length, double-click your mouse and the area search will automatically begin. If multiple results are returned, they will appear in the Search Results section, which will automatically open. If only one search result returns, it will appear in teh Site Detail section, which will automatically open.
- Area: Choose the units for the buffer and then enter a distance in the text box. Click the Area button and begin drawing on the map. Each click of the mouse adds a vertex to the shape. After three clicks, the shape will automatically fill in to show you the shape as you progress in the drawing. When you have the desired shape, double-click your mouse and the area search will automatically begin. If multiple results are returned, they will appear in the Search Results section, which will automatically open. If only one search result returns, it will appear in teh Site Detail section, which will automatically open.
Text Search (you may choose more than one search option to further limit results):
- Select a county: Choose a county to limit search results. More counties will be added as the data becomes available.
- Select an architectural style type: Choose from a selection of architectural styles to limit search results.
- Select a use type: Choose from a selection of use types to limit the search results.
- Select a plan type: Choose from a selection of building plan types to limit the search results.
- Select a Constuction Date Range: Choose a date range to limit the search results. Dates may show in results as exact (1830 or D1830), or as circa (C1830). Hold down the CTRL key (Windows) or the Command key (Mac) to select multiple options.
- Type words to search: Type keywords to search for in the architectural and historical comments fields, or type a City name (must match exaclty), or type in a SurveyID (must match exactly).
Search Results:
- Results returned from an Area Search or Text Search will appear here. If only a single result is returned, it will automatically move to the Site Detail section.
- The results returned will appear as red dots on the map.
- The results returned will appear in a grid on the right of the screen in the Search Results section. Hovering your mouse over a result in the grid will change the red dot to a green dot on the map to highlight the site. Clicking a result in the grid will zoom to it and show the details of that site in the Site Detail section.
- Clicking the Download CSV button will create a .csv file (comma-separated values) of the search results. This can be used in a variety of desktop programs like Microsoft Excel. Depending on your web browser and settings, the export.csv file will be automatically downloaded to your computer or you will be asked where to save it.
- Aerial Photography: If the background of the map shows the standard street map, clicking this button will change the background to the aerial imagery map.
- Street Map: If the background of the map shows aerial imagery, clicking this button will change the background to the standard street map.
- Zoom In
: Click this button and then drag a box on the map to zoom in.
- Full Extent
: Click this button to zoom out to the full exent of the state.
- Zoom Previous
: Click this button to zoom back to the previous map extent. If you have not zoomed the map yet, this button will be deactivated.
- Zoom Next
: Click this button to zoom to the next map extent. If you are at the most recent map extent, this button will be deactivated.
- Pan
: Click this button and then click and hold on the map to drag it in any direction you would like to move. Release the button to refresh the map.
- Identify
: Click this button and then click on an individual historical site in the map. The detailed site information will show in the Site Detail section.
- Help: Opens and closes this dialog box.
- To print a map of a specific historical site, in the Site Detail section, you will see a button called "Export PDF of this map." This is the best option for printing and you can also save the .pdf file locally if you wish.
THC Viewer Disclaimer
The Tennessee Historical Commission (THC) viewer currently contains information from the Historic Resource Survey program and the National Register of Historic Places
program. Surveyed properties are identified by points. The survey record can be viewed by clicking on a point. The survey record reflects information submitted to the THC,
and THC does not guarantee the accuracy of survey information. Survey information may or may not contain information on National Register eligibility. Surveyor opinions on
eligibility do not necessarily reflect the opinion of THC National Register staff and are not formal determinations by the National Park Service.
National Register-listed properties are identified by points, lines, and/or by polygons identifying the National Register boundaries. The process of mapping National
Register boundaries is on-going, and additional polygons will be periodically added to the viewer. National Register nominations can be obtained from the National Archives,
the National Park Service, or THC National Register staff. The viewer does not include points for restricted nominations, such as archaeology sites. It is the
responsibility of the user to check THC's National Register index to confirm whether restricted listings may exist in a particular area.
The information contained in this viewer is for research purposes only and may not reflect actual property locations. The absence of data in certain counties does not
guarantee architectural resource surveys have not been conducted or have not been recorded. While THC tries to provide the most accurate information, this dataset may
contain errors or defects. It is the responsibility of the user to check the locations of surveyed or listed properties. It is the responsibility of the user to check
National Register nominations to confirm official boundaries.
Data entry and quality control is ongoing, and updates occur periodically.
For additional information about the Survey program, to report corrections, or to contact staff, please visit the
Survey section
of our website. For additional information about the National Register program, to report corrections, or to contact National Register staff, please visit the
National Register
section of our website.