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TNMap Property Viewer

What's New - 09/19/2024

  1. Parcels can be selected on the map without the need to activate an "Identify" tool and their basic details are displayed to the right with a link to more detailed information.
  2. There is a primary search box that can search by owner name, property address or parcel ID after selecting a county. Partial search criteria such as last name, street name, or map number are supported.
  3. The traditional search is now "Advanced Search" and can be opened by selecting the button to the left of the primary search box. More specific search criteria and sort options are available for Address, Owner Name, parcel ID (Control Map, Group, Parcel), and/or Subdivision Name.
  4. Select a parcel from the “Search Results” to highlight and zoom to that parcel on the map and see basic information with a link to more detailed ”Property Assessment Data.”
  5. Printing the map and details of a parcel is done using the "Print" button on a parcel's details panel.
  6. Layers can be turned on and off through the "Layer Control" button.
  7. The Help section at the top of the page provides more detailed instructions.