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2023 Departmental Statistics Dashboard

Statistics Tutorial Video  | Department Overview & Map
People per Square Mile1:
Population Rank Among Other Departments:
Source: Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury, Division of Propery Assessments
Numbers are dependent on county participation in the State CAMA system
2019-2023 average: in losses from structure fires.
Source: Tennessee Fire Incident Reporting System
The chart to the right breaks down the incidents by type over the last three years in the same format as FEMA's Assistant to Firefighters Grant Application. The NFIRS incidents are uploaded into the FDTN system annually by July 31st for the previous calendar year. If the call volumes shown do not match your expectations, click here.
Structure fires by year. Click a red bar for a particular year and it will show a pie chart below with a breakdown of specific types of fires for that year.
Source: Tennessee Fire Incident Reporting System
2019-2023 average fire deaths per year
Source: Tennessee Fire Fatality Database
2019-2023 average: fire-related civilian injuries per year
Source: Tennessee Fire Incident Reporting System